
Posts Tagged ‘Airplanes’

Some pit bulls are now being banned on certain airlines after one incident. On July 22, 2002 a pilot heard some strange noises coming from the cargo hold of the plane. The pilot discovered that various navigational equipment wasn’t functioning, and when they opened the cargo they also discovered a 65 pound pit bull loose in cargo, the dog had broke free out of his crate. This dog was probably bored or stressed more than anything, it could have been any dog! While dogs are on an airplane they can get extremely fearful and stressed out, and any dog can break free of their kennel, it just happened to be a pit bull. To ban pit bulls and only pit bulls from airlines is breed discrimination, just because their pit bulls and after that one little incident that most likely is rare to happen again, they want to start banning them off some airlines? Their already banned in some provinces and city’s and even a cafe! Do they really need to do airlines too? They shouldn’t even be banning them in general. Another good example of breed discrimination, this happens to one dog and people wanna ban thousands.

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