
Posts Tagged ‘North Carolina’

Dunn, North Carolina. 

Police in Dunn say they have gotten many calls about aggressive pit bulls in the last year. Chief B.P Jones requested a city wide ban on the breed. There has been 44 calls about aggressive pit bulls, but no injuries. “But pit bulls are still a dangerous breed” Jones said. He plans on discussing his ban idea with the city counsel this weekend. ” The owners of the breed don’t take the necessary precautions to protect people from the dogs” Says Jones, he also said: “They treat pit bulls like any other dogs, but the pit bull dog is different from other dogs”

This police officer, Jones, is completely ignorant and uneducated. He thinks that this is a dog that is naturally aggressive and has been like that since they were bred. Which is, of course, untrue. People SHOULD treat pit bulls like any other dog because they are like any other dog! There is nothing different about a pit bull than any other dog. The only thing that’s different about pit bulls than any other dog, is their bad reputation, and the media has done a fantastic job of doing that (cue the sarcasm). Pit bulls shouldn’t be banned, irresponsible owners  should be! It isn’t the dogs fault, its the owners. That goes for poor breeding too, because its the owners who are breeding them that way.” The owners of the breed don’t take the necessary precautions to protect people from the dogs” What are the necessary precautions? That’s what I wanna know. All you need is to train, raise them properly, and provide unconditional love for your pit bull and you won’t run into these problems. Only if Jones would understand and educate himself, maybe he would think twice about a ban. 

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